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Discover the METIS course

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You are a company that questions inclusion or sign a charter (citizen recruiter, 100 chances 100 jobs, La France une chance) or a member of Un Geiq or working with integration structures (recruitment , solidarity purchase ...)


Join the 1st social network for employment and inclusion in Savoie.

You will thus be able to benefit from the many advantages of our ecosystem. 

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M arches

E mployer

T erritorial 

I nclusive

In S avoie

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Les enjeux de cet accompagnement RH

Cet accompagnement RH proposé aux entreprises les aide à pallier, notamment, à leurs difficultés de recrutement. Allant des bonnes pratiques d'intégration, à  la recherche de dispositif de formation jusqu’au recours à des groupements d’employeurs, en passant par le développement d'une marque employeur inclusive, l’assouplissement des critères de recrutement, le développement de la communication interne (pour faire connaître les besoins), le déploiement d’une politique RH attractive (avantages sociaux, conditions de travail, rémunération), le recours à la sous-traitance ou encore des actions spécifiques à destination des candidats éloignés de l'emploi (BRSA, DELD, RQTH, SIAE...) ou encore des jeunes (partenariats écoles, événements…).

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The first step:  

Subscribe to Fab'RH Savoie

& contact the coordinator of the "Régis Gautheron" device  for a Visio presentation of the HR resources made available to you 

Click on register by email

then wait for the validation of a moderator


Give visibility to your business:  

1- Complete your Fab'RH Savoie profile

2- Register in the business directory

3- Automatic aggregation of your Jobs  

4- Submit your offers in the Employment forum


Source profiles on Fab'RH Savoie

1- Understand the  tools available to candidates

(C3P-O, Motivation videos, CV by skills, Test Prismo ... )

2- Access the profiles of around fifty active candidates

3- Source via our partners (Usie73, eRHgo, Pass Rhône Alpes ... )

4- Learn how to source on candidates on the networks  

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Participate in workshops and animation of Fab'RH Savoie

1- exchange  with candidates or job referees

2- Develop your HR 2.0 skills (see our workshops )

3- Find the news of inclusion in Savoie ( news )

4- Don't miss an HR event in Savoie (see agenda )

5- Submit an article on Fab'RH to talk about you




Set up an inclusive action plan  ​

Diagnosis and social audit on the place of inclusion in your company  (recruitment, diversity, equal opportunities, diversity, solidarity purchasing ...)  and - Construction of an annualized action plan

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Develop  your inclusive employer brand

1- Promote your actions by joining  an "inclusive" club

2- Create an inclusive business page on NTNE

3- Work with our innovative HR partners

4- Work on your digital HR strategy

Contact Fab'RH Savoie:
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  • Twitter Icône sociale
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