Directory of innovative partners
my skills
#Value your journey professional
During my support for job seekers, I realized that I was lacking the tools to help them effectively in their search. Being a professional developer, I therefore created MesCompétences, a web application accessible to all job seekers and volunteers or professionals to help job seekers to:
identify their skills
find jobs that need these skills and that are recruiting
identify avenues for research in these professions (offers and companies)
Working with several hands on the application is facilitated, for a concrete collaboration between job seeker and accompanying persons.
Apart from the employment and integration schemes presented on Fab'RH Savoie Since the launch of the platform, we have forged partnerships with local players offering innovations to facilitate the return to work, whether for:
1- Help with the construction of the " Orientation " project
(Avenria, Eva, Diagoriente, career GPS ...)
2- Professional positioning assistance " Evaluation "
(Prismo, C3P-O, Profiscan, Monkey Tie ...)
3- Social " Social " support
(Socialp, Tremplin 73, Id'EES Interim ...)
4- Employment assistance " Employment "
(Rhône-Alpes Pass, MRS, PMSMP, IOD Method ...)
Partner's website
"Pass your mouse on the image on the right to see the explanation of the presentation sheets ".